Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

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Employee remunerated on a piece-work basis

This is generally an employee, part of whose remuneration is paid on a piece-work basis. Reference is also made to employees remunerated according to their production, by the unit, by the hectare, by the metre, by the bushel, etc.

This employee may be remunerated on a piece-work basis only or also receive an hourly wage or a basic wage.

For all of the hours worked during a pay period, the employee remunerated on commission must receive at least the equivalent of the minimum wage. Otherwise, the employer must pay him the difference.

However, in the case of pickers of small fruit, the employer is only required to compensate those employees who do not reach the minimum wage when their performance was affected by the state of the fruit or the fields.

Gouvernement du Québec
© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006